7:59:00 PM Welcome! , , , , ,
Globe SuperSurf Refresh

Speed Refresh Globe is recommended when your SuperSurf subscription is experiencing slow speed due to Globe FUP. Speed Refresh lets you experience regular surfing speed once more before your FUP speed is reset.

This is Speed Refresh Price List below.

50MB data allocation
Valid for 1 day
Requires 20 Pesos Load

SPEEDREFRESH 300 to 8080
1GB data allocation
Valid for 7 days
Requires 300 Pesos Load

SPEEDREFRESH 500 to 8080
2.5GB data allocation
Valid for 30 days
Requires 500 Pesos Load

To check your consumption:
Just text SPEEDREFRESH CHECK to 8080.

For more info about Globe and TM SuperSurf, just text SUPERSURF HELP to 8080.